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Click on thumbnail to start slide show or press the Enter key.
On the index page it is possible to adapt the Viewing time per picture (default 5 sec). You can also select a transition effect and the time for the selected transition effect.

Using the keyboard in the slide show:

Use the space-bar for the stop/play function.
Use left/right arrow keys for navigation to previous/next picture.
The up-arrow key closes the slide show.
Use the P key if you see an expansion button above a panorama photo to expand the panorma and move through it with the mouse.
Use the E key to show the location in the Google Earth program.
Use the down-arrow key or the M key to show the location in Google Maps.
Press the H key to read this help again.
Press the X key to close this help window.

Using the left mouse button:

Click in the photo to stop the slide show.
Click again to continue the slide show with the next photo.

If the navigation buttons above the picture are not hidden, then a maximum of 6 buttons are displayed:
Show location in the Google Earth program.
Show location in a Google Maps webpage.
Expand panorama photo.
Open previous photo.
Stop/Continue slide show.
Exit slide show.

Using the keyboard on the index page:

Start the slide show via the Enter key.
The up-arrow key closes the index page and the focus returns to the parent page.
Press the H key to read this help again.
Use left/right arrow keys for navigation to previous/next album.
Use the Home key to close the index page and go to the Home page.
Use the T key to download the tracklog file.
Use the E key to show the route in the Google Earth program.
Use the down-arrow key or the M key to show the route in Google Maps.

Close the help window by clicking the X key or the red button in the upper right corner of this window.


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