Me and my World
As I was driving,
I heard this from the radio
As I was thinking of this
so many other things
Also crept into my mind
Which came first?
A person dancing to a music
Or the beats of a drum to guide her steps
How did the beats come to the mind of the musician
So on and so forth.
I am always surprised by simple things.
Then I was looking at me
At my world
My tiny world
Consisting of me and my laptop
With a connection to the inner world
And the outer
Expanding and helping me
To get what I want
Instantly, most of the time
If I know how to ask the right question.
I become the world I want to be in
But with no intention of changing any one
But enriching me
Questioning my believes
Discarding what I don't need
Relishing the days left for me to
Work and comprehend what I am doing.
December 01, 2000 |