A Flock of Individuals

A Moment in Time

Analysis of Reality

Bare Expression

Behind Every Face

Being Thirteen

Blossom where planted

Buds of an Inflorescence

Can you imagine one without the other?

Chatter Box

Circles of Fire

Complexity within Elegance

Desert Flower

Early Morning Tidbits

Eat and be Merry


Everything in Life is a Metaphor

Fall in Love


Frolics of our Hearts

From sunrise to sunset

Fusion and Confusion

Halloween Evening

Hide and Seek

In Search of Divinity

In Search of Ourselves

In Search of my Presence

Intention and extension

Invocation of Zeus

Is any thing wrong with that?

It is a small world after all

I try to make sense out of it

I wonder what we are

Life after Death

Living in Heaven

Looking for the Past

Manasir Manosarobar

Man with a Bottle

Me and my World


Million Avataras

Moments are for ever

Mothers of the World

Multidimensional Living

My Loving Distraction

My Place in the Universe

Mystical Mesmerizing Music

Ode to my Buds

Our World

Painful Pleasure




I, a point in time
In a tiny body
Clamor for a tiny room
In a tiny house in a tiny city
In a tiny country in a tiny planet
That orbits around a tiny solar system
That a part of the galaxy called Milky Way
That becomes the part of the universe
A cluster of the universes
Hanging from each of His/Her hair follicles
Of the creator, alias God.

I, a point in time
Exist some where in the cluster of cells
Of my brain
I perceive and think who I am
The organs talk to each other
The cells talk to each other
The molecules talk to each other
Seamlessly to make me emerge as myself
As the outcome of myriads of actions
Interactions, signal transductions
To let me exist in microcosm
In the supermega universe
Called cosmos.
August 16, 1998