Cluster Bombing
You are wrong
If you think that
Only warring powers
Use cluster bombs
They have been used
For thousands of years
And being used every day all over the world
But actually for creating things
Making sure that the future survives
The uncertainty of chance
Every year
Pine trees lash out cloud of spores
Sunflowers smear the bees with millions of pollens
Fish and turtles lay out thousands of eggs
Males flood the love passage with millions of sperms
And mushrooms go ballistic
Out of these millions
With the chance worse than once in a blue moon
The progeny strolls
To bear the burden of the selfish genes
After work
I open my mailbox
And get bombarded with solicitation and coupons
Lots of mails I did not ask for
Telling me
The more I buy
The more I save
And I am not alone
Every mail box is filled with them too
And lately
My email inbox with lots of space
The favorite arena for cluster bombing
January 13, 2007