The Absolute Gifts

Arrival and Departure

Ascent of a man

Becoming a Being

Beyond the twilight zone

The Creatures in the Basement

Creature of Rhythm

Cluster Bombing

The Dance of the Breeze

Death is such a waste

Dream of a Sexagenarian

The Elusive Lotus Flower

The eternal Artist

The fallen Beauty

The fantastic Web

Fingerprints of the Force

The four-letter word

My Grandmother

The Horizontal Journey

The Killing Field

Land Of Amorphous

Looking for Something in Dark

The Meaning of Life

Midlife Crisis

The milk ocean churned

The other Path

Path of no return

Picture Imperfect

Pollen Count

Query in the Twilight Zone

The right way to live

The River of life

River Run

Follow the Script

Seventeen Years Later

Listening to the Silence

A sojourn in the wonderland

Thriving with Poison

Voyage of a Swan

Waiting at the bus stop

What Am I Doing Here

When a Person becomes a Body

When does the life begin?


Pollen Count

Pollen count was very high today
Must be
Because my daughter was sneezing a lot
Her eyes were swollen.
I was worried about her.

I was more worried about
The poor pollens
Millions of them
Like the desperate lovers
With half of the information
Seeking desperately the other half
To make a genome complete again
To enjoy in life once again
The sunshine, the winds etc.

But alas,
On their destined paths
Millions of fish eggs end up in caviars
Not giving rise to off springs
Millions of sperms
Millions of watermelon seeds
Pine pollens
Does not bring about a new life

I worry about the poor DNA strands
Weathering dehydration
And decay
Like my cells in my old age

Minutes of my life
Like the pollens and eggs
Recycling but in a catabolic path
I stand here embracing
The composition
Of life orchestra
The decomposition
Making me ponder
About the pollen counts.
April 2303