The Absolute Gifts

Arrival and Departure

Ascent of a man

Becoming a Being

Beyond the twilight zone

The Creatures in the Basement

Creature of Rhythm

Cluster Bombing

The Dance of the Breeze

Death is such a waste

Dream of a Sexagenarian

The Elusive Lotus Flower

The eternal Artist

The fallen Beauty

The fantastic Web

Fingerprints of the Force

The four-letter word

My Grandmother

The Horizontal Journey

The Killing Field

Land Of Amorphous

Looking for Something in Dark

The Meaning of Life

Midlife Crisis

The milk ocean churned

The other Path

Path of no return

Picture Imperfect

Pollen Count

Query in the Twilight Zone

The right way to live

The River of life

River Run

Follow the Script

Seventeen Years Later

Listening to the Silence

A sojourn in the wonderland

Thriving with Poison

Voyage of a Swan

Waiting at the bus stop

What Am I Doing Here

When a Person becomes a Body

When does the life begin?


Seventeen Years Later

The symphony of amorous cicadas
In the woods around my home

Life so lively but transient
Roam the open sky for a moment
To seek out and mate
Romancing on the trees and grasses
And then the grand finale
I see them gasping for breath
Or dead and gone

So, the goal of life
For them
For me and you
What is it?
Passing the genes to the next generation
Like a baton in a relay race
If I fail
Does not matter
As there are millions like me any way
To pass the message
Then the messenger dies

June 2, 2004