The Absolute Gifts

Arrival and Departure

Ascent of a man

Becoming a Being

Beyond the twilight zone

The Creatures in the Basement

Creature of Rhythm

Cluster Bombing

The Dance of the Breeze

Death is such a waste

Dream of a Sexagenarian

The Elusive Lotus Flower

The eternal Artist

The fallen Beauty

The fantastic Web

Fingerprints of the Force

The four-letter word

My Grandmother

The Horizontal Journey

The Killing Field

Land Of Amorphous

Looking for Something in Dark

The Meaning of Life

Midlife Crisis

The milk ocean churned

The other Path

Path of no return

Picture Imperfect

Pollen Count

Query in the Twilight Zone

The right way to live

The River of life

River Run

Follow the Script

Seventeen Years Later

Listening to the Silence

A sojourn in the wonderland

Thriving with Poison

Voyage of a Swan

Waiting at the bus stop

What Am I Doing Here

When a Person becomes a Body

When does the life begin?


The Killing Field

Yaksha asked Yudhisthira
“What is amazing?”
Yudhisthira said
“Human beings see death every day, everywhere
But can never think
That will happen to them personally.”

It is hard to imagine certain incidents in life
Like the death of our parents, siblings and children
And still harder
To imagine our own demise,
Even though that is a given.
Birth comes with the guarantee of a death.

Every morning
The world offers me in the form of news
Death and more death
Mud slides in Philippines,
Boat disasters in Indonesia
Mine disasters in China

about five people die in car accident per hour
Not to speak of how many died in Vietnam by bombing
Nor die now in Iraq, thanks to our tax dollar.

We killed
And still love to kill our kind
In the name of God
Or in the name of race or tribe or politics
In old west, Europe, India, Japan, Cambodia, Yugoslavia
And Burundi

Like a drop of water on a taro leaf
Life is so fragile
Nature's fury
in the form of earthquake, cyclone, tsunami, hurricane
Drought and flood
Added to the constant human effort
To kill more and more faster and more painfully
Transforms this world to a killing field
January 2010