Bird of Paradise

Butterflies my Alibi

Camera Eye

castaway by choice

Chocolate Man

Constant Confrontation


The discovery of the Interior

The Double Role

An ever changing Stream

Everything Changing Around Me

The Final Glow of Life

The Final Exit

Fountain of Thirst

A Hopeless Dreamer

I, Me and Myself

I just wonder

Kanya Avatar

Kanya Sahasranama

Life through a Pinhole

The Meaning of my Existence

Metamorphosis of a Bookworm

A Monster named Desire

My Satisfaction

Painted Soul

Past presents me to the Future

The path less travelled

Reflecting on me

Reflection on my life

Same World Different Universe

Sampling Trip

The Search for my Identity

Searching for the Meaning

Seeing the invisible

The Serenity of Emptiness

Snow wants to fall on Sahara

Spring Cleaning

Under water Volcano

Valentine’s Escape

In the wee Hour of the Morning



Butterflies my Alibi

You are my alibi
To be alone for a while with myself,
And you
In the land of make believes
Sensing the incense of life again.
Just like you

You are my alibi
An oasis
Where I become a child again
Running around
Without worrying about anything
Mortgage, house, job or traffic
Only to be alive
Just like you

You are my alibi
Of erasing the lines
Between sense and nonsense
Of civility and sensibility
Of being what I am
And what I am supposed to be
Just like you

You are my alibi
To live for another day
To see the wonders of life
In different shapes
In different spaces
In different colors
Just like you

You are my alibi
To dive into a different world
Of imagination
Of colors and shapes
Of random dots
Joining to make
Every thing wonderful
Just like you.
May 19, 2002