Bird of Paradise

Butterflies my Alibi

Camera Eye

castaway by choice

Chocolate Man

Constant Confrontation


The discovery of the Interior

The Double Role

An ever changing Stream

Everything Changing Around Me

The Final Glow of Life

The Final Exit

Fountain of Thirst

A Hopeless Dreamer

I, Me and Myself

I just wonder

Kanya Avatar

Kanya Sahasranama

Life through a Pinhole

The Meaning of my Existence

Metamorphosis of a Bookworm

A Monster named Desire

My Satisfaction

Painted Soul

Past presents me to the Future

The path less travelled

Reflecting on me

Reflection on my life

Same World Different Universe

Sampling Trip

The Search for my Identity

Searching for the Meaning

Seeing the invisible

The Serenity of Emptiness

Snow wants to fall on Sahara

Spring Cleaning

Under water Volcano

Valentine’s Escape

In the wee Hour of the Morning




The Final Glow of Life

The leaves fly away from the tree
like restless teenagers eager to leave home.
They are flying all over the place, in the wind,
Like small kites.
It is a celebration,
A celebration of death and demise
But still very beautiful.
It is like self-realization of human beings
Before they leave this earth.
The real color is revealed finally.

Again likes the old people,
Being supple, toothless and hairless like babies,
The leaves look very tender and soft
Even though as a close look it is not so.

I wonder about many things.
What happens to the gene content of the leaves?
What happens to the protoplasts and
The intricate network of veins that sustained the leaves and
Made all the food synthesized?
It is back to the elements now.
Degraded to nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen,
to be recycled to serve as the nutrients in the soil.

This is the first time;
I am looking at the changes in color.
I am seeing the vast arena with colors
as if some one painted it.
I guess it is the nirvana that people seek,
The final glow of life.
July 12, 1998