Bird of Paradise

Butterflies my Alibi

Camera Eye

castaway by choice

Chocolate Man

Constant Confrontation


The discovery of the Interior

The Double Role

An ever changing Stream

Everything Changing Around Me

The Final Glow of Life

The Final Exit

Fountain of Thirst

A Hopeless Dreamer

I, Me and Myself

I just wonder

Kanya Avatar

Kanya Sahasranama

Life through a Pinhole

The Meaning of my Existence

Metamorphosis of a Bookworm

A Monster named Desire

My Satisfaction

Painted Soul

Past presents me to the Future

The path less travelled

Reflecting on me

Reflection on my life

Same World Different Universe

Sampling Trip

The Search for my Identity

Searching for the Meaning

Seeing the invisible

The Serenity of Emptiness

Snow wants to fall on Sahara

Spring Cleaning

Under water Volcano

Valentine’s Escape

In the wee Hour of the Morning




Kanya Avatar 

Once you came
I wondered if I had a life before
As it seemed so impossible.

With your first cry
You took over my life
Every moment became enslaved by your thought
To look at you,
To take care of you.
When you went away
It was so hard
As if some one took away a part of me

Like the opening of a flower bud
You grew more and more beautiful
Your giggles got replaced by words
You danced to the rhythms whenever you heard it
Your tiny fingers that used to pull my hair to fight
Became bigger and got colored
Multiple ear rings appeared on your ears.

I could not put you any more on my legs and read
Or need to clean you or bath you
Or put you to sleep by driving around
But listen to you
Talking about the world
You were building around you.

The days became years
The baby girl became a teenager
Womanhood sneaking in scrumptiously
Before I knew you were a woman
A woman who saw the world
By travelling, by talking to people
By reading and experiencing
The mind’s magic wand
By seeing through
The constructions of the society

Now you are on your own
Mostly far away but not too far
Still connected in mind
In heart
Also by magic of technology

When we meet
No more pulling my hair to fight
But we talk about happenings and ideas
Beyond roti and chawl
Beyond home work
Beyond being Indians
Beyond being American
Beyond living day to day life
But as friends
Sharing ideas and caring for each other
By love and respect
And connecting the dots
Between parenthood and humanity
And beyond.
November 08 2005