The Quest of a lifetime
As the night falls
In the lap of myriad stars
As the crickets think they own the world
I think of you, me
The street urchins
The sea urchins
The orangutans
And the stinky bugs
The jasmines and poison ivies
I think of the wonders
In the life of ours
In the life of brines shrimps
About our sojourns in this world
Where did we come and
Where will we go?
And what are we doing here any way?
You know what.
It is scary to think about it
Instead of placing blames
Collecting fames
Enjoying hearsays
Eating and doing things
To be lost
In the vortex of life.
Still, I think every time
I look at the stars
Feel the breeze
Whispering me softly
Touching me like my long lost lover
That is it!
The answer after all.
December 14, 2003